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Witcher 3 Animator Talks Blood And Wine DLC!

by on May 16, 2016

Jamie Bury, senior animator at CD Projekt Red, talked with IGN recently about the upcoming DLC for Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, titled Blood and Wine. When trying to classify how long the DLC was, he found it difficult based on what people can do in the game:

“It’s tough when you actually have to come up with the estimations for this. For the previous expansion, Hearts of Stone, the estimate was ten hours,” Jamie says. “I played a lot more than ten hours getting through it. For this we kind of say it’s double the size, so around 20 hours, but it would… I’m pretty sure it’s going to take people longer than 20 hours to get through this. It just depends whether people are doing all the side quests, whether they’re rushing through things, whether they’re exploring. It is just a very big expansion, the whole land mass. It’s one of the criticisms we had with Hearts of Stone. It was this new expansion, but it was still taking place in the old landscape.”

He also notes that when it comes to making DLC like this, it’s pretty much a game of seeing what works and what doesn’t, and what you can put in:

“I think it’s just the case of, you have these very big ideas for what you can do, but then when we start working on them, you have so many other good ideas that come up and then you need to decide what’s going to go in and what doesn’t go in for this kind of thing,” Jamie says. “It can kind of get out of control a little bit with that, I would say.”

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