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Pokemon GO to finally add Raid Battles!

by on June 19, 2017

Pokemon GO is going to have a very busy summer if a release from Niantic is to be believed. Because very soon, players will be able to partake in Raid Battles.

What are Raid Battles? Well, if you recall the original Pokemon GO trailer, it showed off many trainers coming together to defeat a Mewtwo, all the while trying to do it on a time limit. This is a Raid Battle, and it’s apparently going to be entering beta soon. Trainers will be alerted to a Raid Battle when it’s active, and will have 5 minutes to try and defeat the Pokemon boss, if they are able to defeat it, they can use Premiere Balls to try and capture it.

No word on when the beta will start or the target day for the worldwide release.

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  • June 20, 2017 at 12:14 pm

    Is the game still "popular"? I played it a bit when it first came out but got bored pretty quickly. Because there was not much to play. And some Pokemon were pretty hard to catch for no reason at all. I might give it another try because of these battles but I don't know.

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