Fallout 4 Free For This Weekend On Steam!
Sometimes, it’s important to wait to get a game, and sometimes, you decide that though you want a game, you’ll wait until a good deal comes out for it so you’re not paying full price. If Fallout 4 is one of the games that you have been wanting, but have been waiting for the price to go down, Steam has the ultimate offer for you.
For starting 7 am ET/10 am PT on May 25, and until 10 am ET/1 pm PT on May 28, Fallout 4 will be free on the gaming service. That’s right, no charge. All you have to do is just go to the Steam Page and download it, no charge to you. Through the weekend you’ll get access to everything Fallout 4 has to offer. From the full game, to the mods, and more. Then, if you decide you want to buy it, you can get it at a discount cost during the weekend.
So, if you’re looking to get Fallout 4, or at the very least see what the game is all about, this is your chance.