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Gamer Does “No Killing” Run In Fallout 4

by on December 29, 2015

In many RPG’s, the ability to choose which path to take, and how to get to the end of the game is a big mechanics that numerous gamers treasure. This goes especially for open-world RPG’s like the Elder Scrolls and Skyrim.

In the case of Kyle Hinckley, he took a path that many would not dare try to take, a path of no violence. Or in more correct terms, path of no “hands-on” violence. He went through the entire game of Fallout 4 without killing. To be fair, he used his high charisma stats to persuade others to kill for him in some situations, but, for his character that he built, he went the whole game without killing anyone or anything. He notes to Kotaku that he wishes there were “more diplomatic solutions”, as he had to get creative to maintain his “pacifism”.

“My version of pacifism isn’t really diplomatic, it’s more exploitative of the game mechanics to achieve a zero-kill record,” he said. “In other [Fallout] games, you had a lot of alternatives for bypassing the combat, whether it was with sneaking, speech checks, or a back door opened with lockpicking and hacking. In fact, in previous games (at least 3 and NV), your companion kills didn’t count towards your record either.”

You can view his entire run through the game here.

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