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Original Fallout Game Being Modded Into New Vegas

by on November 29, 2015

The modding community has long been a fan of Fallout, which allows gamers and programmers to input nearly any item, scene, or person into the game should they have the tools and the ability.

Now, a new mod seeks to take the original Fallout title, and mod it into the current Fallout: New Vegas engine.

It should be noted, that the mod will stay true to the structure of the original Fallout. By that, it will stay true to the isolated areas of the game, rather than the sprawling sandbox we associate with current Fallout titles.

Also, the team behind this merging has developed a special travel system to allow gamers to jump to wherever they want to in the overworld:

“We made a complete new travel system. Which allows the player to discover the map of Fallout 1, also includes random encounters and the ability to flee (if your character is a coward 😉 ). The game will be node based as the original. So you travel from one small worldspace to another. It is not a continues world. We have plans to add one larger worldspace which allows a bit more exploration (as easer egg so to say) but this one will be started at the end of development.”

You can check out full details on the mod here.

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