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Final Fantasy VII Remake Still To Be Episodic

by on May 10, 2019

What’s the latest on Final Fantasy VII Remake? Is it still to be the game that was promised before?

What seems like a lifetime ago, Sony revealed that they were making Final Fantasy VII Remake, a modern version of the classic RPG. But, since then, there’s been nothing but news of delays, team changes, and more.

Yesterday, during the most recent “State of Play” conference, Sony revealed that the game is still coming. And showed off a mini-trailer for it.

However, this in turn raised a lot of questions, including whether the game would still be “episodic” like it was originally revealed to be.

“For Final Fantasy VII Remake, which is being reborn on PlayStation 4, there is a lot of content to review for a full remake, and production is underway as multiple parts,” said Square Enix.

So the plan is still to break it up in parts, and all signs point to E3 2019 being the next place that major details of the game will be dropped.

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