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Dungeon Punks Drops This Month! Watch the New Trailer Here

by on July 12, 2016

Hyperawesome has announced that the new tag team brawler RPG Dungeon Punks is going to drop later this month. Some new details were also released today for the game. Dungeon Punks is set to release on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on July 26. It will then be released on Windows PC via Steam a short time later. A new trailer for the game was also released.

Dungeon Punks is an arcade style brawler that lets players create their own custom combos in a unique fashion. They choose a tag team of two wild mutant heroes who each have their own special moves. Each player in the game can combine two sets of spells into custom attacks. These are just three of the combos players can use during gameplay. The combos are called “The Ice Beast”, “Aerial Pain”, and “Ghost Bomb.”

For The Ice Beast, a Djinn freezes enemies with his Ice Beam spell, where a player tags in with the Were-witch hero. As the Were-witch casts the Mark of the Beast, that fractures the frozen horde while gaining some temporary Melee Damage. The Were-witch then slams the frozen enemies with an enhanced mace combo attack.

For Aerial Pain, the Tempest Knight whips herself into a spiraling tornado with a Silver Gale spell, that sucks nearby enemies into a vortex and moves them away. After reaching the eye of the storm, the tagged in Drakken Warrior casts Celestial Escape to fly to safety, zapping the monsters into a lightning attack.

Finally the Ghost Bomb has the Hierophant casting the Ghost Circle spell of petrification around herself, temporarily turning all nearby enemies to stone. The Dwarven Alchemist then comes in from high above, slamming the entombed enemies and then springing away while dropping a bomb into the mix via Explosive Escape. At the last minute, he throws a Napalm across the screen, bursting all the monsters in flames while the bomb blasts the whole ensemble to pieces.

You can also check out a new trailer for the game that was released in the player below.


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