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Niantic Talk Pokemon GO Sponsors and Microtransactions!

by on August 2, 2016

Pokemon GO continues to gain more fans and become a part of the culture of the world. For Niantic though, they want to go further with more places becoming Pokestops and Pokemon Gyms via sponsorships. The first of which has already happened in Japan with McDonald’s. But Niantic CEO John Hanke tells Forbes that he would like to have more done. Both for players to experience the game more, and for the team to make a little more profit.

“My belief is that the sponsored-location model is a better business model for games”, said Hanke in an interview with Forbes. “It will provide a compliment to in-app purchase.”

“In app-purchase will be the majority of the revenue, but it does take some of the pressure off of us to squeeze hard on the purchase side which would be detrimental to the game.”

“The idea with real world games,” he explained, “was to build an advertising model that is deeply tied to the way the game itself works… so it doesn’t break the flow of the game. It doesn’t feel like something is grafted on. We incorporated that sponsored location model into Ingress the day it was launched. The idea was to build an alternative to in-app purchase based on idea that in-app purchase exerts a lot of pressure on game design that can lead to games that are not very much fun to play even if they make a lot of money.”

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