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Tides Of Numeria Completes First Script

by on March 8, 2016

In an update on its Kickstarter page, inExile Entertainment revealed that the first script run of their funded project Torment: Tides of Numeria has been completed:

“We’d like to start today’s update with an important announcement. As of February 29th, our writing team on Torment: Tides of Numenera has completed its first pass on all of the game’s writing. Our latest estimates put this at around one million words. We will know the final count in the coming months, but this is a big milestone for a Torment game, as you can no doubt imagine.

Torment’s story is a carefully crafted one, and “first pass” means we have a lot of revisions and edits still to do as we perfect the game’s word-smithing. But it does mean our story and quests are more or less set, and our design, scripting and engineering teams can focus their efforts on tightly implementing our remaining game systems and environment/level scripting.”

They also note what their plans are for the game coming up:

“So what is next for Torment? We are hoping to have the game content complete by the beginning of April. At that point, we will be taking the game into iteration. We are dedicated to getting Torment right, so just like the writing needs to go through polish passes, we have allotted significant time for ourselves to improve upon the game’s content. This includes things like additional passes on environment art and visual effects, quests and dialog, user interface art and functionality, and gameplay balance, not to mention fixing bugs and optimizing performance.”

The team still aims for a 2016 release.

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